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New Website Updates!

January 26th 2024

We’re back!

The PRSTA website has been lacking in updates recently but news is now flowing again.  If you have previously requested access to the Member Area, you may now find your registration approved.

Our 2019-2022 Collective agreement is now available through the member area and Teacher Talk will be updated here also.


Bargaining Update

November 1 is the date for Local bargaining to commence across the province for school districts and local teacher associations. This is a different format and schedule than usual. Usually local bargaining takes place either at the same time as provincial bargaining or even after provincial bargaining. We hope that this new format will lead to a productive local bargaining table. For further information, call the PRSTA office.

Keep Safe!

Although we had hoped that we would see “near normal” for the start of the new school year, that has not happened. Staff and students are asked to wear their masks as directed in the Provincial Health Orders. We are also encouraging everyone to vaccinate. Please know that the BCTF will support a provincial Covid-19 vaccine mandate for school staff and volunteers. If a vaccine mandate becomes a reality, the PRSTA and the BCTF will work to protect members’ rights, like the right to privacy and the right to an accommodation for those with legitimate exemptions. The best action that you can take to protect yourself and others is to vaccinate. It is the right thing to do at this stage in the pandemic.